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The yellow, orange and red flower seed mix contains:

  • Atriplex rubra
  • Calendula officinalis
  • Centaurea cyanus
  • Chrysanthemum segetum
  • Chrysanthemum carinatum
  • Coreopsis tinctoria ‘Standard'
  • Coreopsis tinctoria ‘Dwarf'
  • Dimorphotheca sinuata
  • Eschscholzia californica ‘Single Mixed’
  • Eschscholzia californica ‘Carmine King’
  • Limonanthus douglassi
  • Linum rubrum
  • Papaver rhoes
  • Rudbeckia hirta ‘My Joy’
  • Tagetes ‘Lemon Gem’
  • Venedium fastuosum ‘Orange Prince’

Sowing instructions:

Wildflower seeds are generally low-maintenance and not demanding. However, these few tips might help:

  • Soil type: these seed mixes have been selected for a generally neutral PH. Soils that are high in acid (peaty soil) or alkaline (chalk or lime) might have a slight variation but should all work equally well. Free draining soil is important as boggy or constantly wet soils will reduce the germination and growth pattern. Absolutely NO FERTILISER is required!
  • Full sun is preferred. 
  • Ground preparation: soil should be firm and raked over or lightly forked to produce a light tilth on the top to a minimum of one inch depth.
  • Seed sowing: seeds should be lightly sprinkled on the top of the soil and then raked in. Afterwards, lightly walk over the plot to press the seeds into the soil. It’s good to mix the seeds with a bit of sand first, that way you will see when the seeds fall on to the soil.
  • Watering: if its dry and no rain is forecast then feel free to lightly water but be sure to use a rose on your watering can, or a fine spray on your hose. You do not want to blast the soil with a high pressure because it will disturb the seeds. Your goal should be to imitate rain from up above. You only need to water sparingly a few times to get germination. After you see some green shoots, stop watering.  Wildflowers don’t mind the dry conditions once they are growing.